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[GUI DevelopMyQQ

Description: 实现C/S模式的文字传输,类似与qq文字聊天的程序-To achieve C/S mode of transmission of the text, similar to the process qq text chat
Platform: | Size: 3707904 | Author: 刘敬奉 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMyQQ

Description: QQ界面,稍微修改就可以作出自己想要的漂亮界面出来了.-QQ interface can be modified slightly to make their own beautiful interface want out.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: uchen | Hits:

[GUI Developmyqq

Description: 一个仿qq界面的实现,一个仿qq界面的实现-An imitation interface qq realize that a fake interface realize qq
Platform: | Size: 3536896 | Author: ss | Hits:


Description: 新手初学,申请加入。 模拟QQ界面实现,编译后运行programme文件夹中的程序。-Beginner novice, the process of accession. QQ realize analog interface, the compiler run the program after the program folder.
Platform: | Size: 3667968 | Author: 天天 | Hits:


Description: 自己写的一款c/s模式的仿QQ界面的程序,有需要的可以参考下设计界面....服务器端采用mdb数据库,visual c++ 7.1开发-Wrote it myself a c/s mode of imitation QQ interface procedures, there is a need to make reference to the design of the interface under the server-side .... using mdb database, visual c++ 7.1 Development
Platform: | Size: 4363264 | Author: zhoufl | Hits:


Description: 类似qq的以c/s结构和p2p结构结合的聊天软件。-Qq similar to the c/s structure and the structure of combining p2p chat software.
Platform: | Size: 334848 | Author: guosong | Hits:


Description: 基于socket写的点对点的聊天工具,类似飞鸽的功能 由于是菜鸟 代码不全不合理的地方希望指点 qq:365003190-Write socket-based peer-to-peer chat tool, similar to the function of Dove rookie code is incomplete as a result of unreasonable hope that pointing qq: 365003190
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 黄德纯 | Hits:


Description: VC++实现的QQ编程,非常的有意思,难道你不想试试吗?-VC to achieve the QQ programming, very interesting, do not you do not want to try it?
Platform: | Size: 2768896 | Author: 傅强 | Hits:

[Com PortMyQQ

Description: 实现了qq的基本功能!buaasunjian-The realization of the basic functions of the qq! buaasunjian
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: sunjian | Hits:


Description: 一个仿QQ的聊天程序,有添加好友,分组,陌生人,查找好友,精确查找等一些基本功能,采用定时扫描数据库方式读取信息,适合新手学习-An imitation of the QQ chat program, and add a friend, division, strangers, find friends, precision, etc. Find some of the basic functions, methods used to read regularly scan the database of information, suitable for novice learning
Platform: | Size: 4249600 | Author: aaa | Hits:


Description: 分为客户端和服务端,先运行服务端,再运行客户端登陆服务器。效果类似于QQ。开发环境为:C#-Divided into client and server, first run the server, and then running the client login server. Effects similar to QQ. Development environment for: C#
Platform: | Size: 420864 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 用SQL~~模仿QQ聊天程序~~~(*^__^*) -err
Platform: | Size: 2551808 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个类似QQ的聊天程序,其中实现了QQ聊天通信的大部分功能,包括聊天者之间聊天信息的传输、聊天者自建聊天室、选择加入聊天室等功能。-QQ chat a similar procedure, in which the QQ chat realize most of the functions of communication, including chat chat between the information transmission, chat who own chat rooms, choose to join chat rooms and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 4120576 | Author: happyopencv | Hits:


Description: 网络编程,一个类QQ 的域网聊天程序-Network programming, a class of area network QQ chat program
Platform: | Size: 2823168 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 自己写的一个QQ程序,不过现在不能通讯了。因为腾讯把TCP的端口给土封了,不过大家可以看看程序。-Their own written procedures for a QQ, but the communication should not now. Tencent because the TCP port to the closure of the territories, but everyone can look at the procedures.
Platform: | Size: 1802240 | Author: 缘候鸟 | Hits:


Description: 仿照了QQ应用程序的界面,几乎和真是版QQ一样。-Modeled on the QQ application interface, and is almost the same version of QQ.
Platform: | Size: 582656 | Author: JinYao | Hits:


Description: QQ 系统 在企业内部使用 C# + SQL server-QQ system in the enterprise for internal use C#+ SQL server
Platform: | Size: 839680 | Author: wangbo | Hits:


Description: 一个java实现的简单的仿qq程序,适用与初学者了解java的网络编程机制和icq实现的原理-Java to achieve a simple imitation qq procedures, application and beginners understand the java network programming mechanisms and the realization of the principle of icq
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: qf | Hits:


Description: qq仿真 功能强大是伟大的程序员笑嘻嘻的杰作,决心打败腾讯-qq powerful simulation is a great masterpiece grinning programmer, is determined to defeat Tencent
Platform: | Size: 1348608 | Author: ancient | Hits:


Description: QQ,可以通过局域网聊天,很方便,很实用。-QQ, you can chat through the LAN, it is convenient and very practical.
Platform: | Size: 2564096 | Author: 凯华 | Hits:
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